Regular care
In addition to connecting donated cars with families, Miracles on Wheels ministry is dedicated to educating women about the importance of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair through its “Be Car Care A ware” Consumer Education Campaign.
Miracles on Wheels ministry supports two months each year to bring attention to the importance of care and preventative maintenance. These months are National car months in April, and the fall car care month is in October. Also, care consist of some repairs such as: maintenance brakes, oil, oil change, wiper blades, air filter, antifreeze, tires, tune up, battery replacement, wheels aligned, etc.

Miracles on Wheels ministry supports two months each year to bring attention to the importance of care and preventative maintenance.
Car Care Clinic
Free and open to the public
Saturday, April 2, 2022
In April, as winter comes to an end, it is time to get your car ready for spring driving and summer road trips!! National car month ~ reminds you to take care of any issues that may have occurred or been ignored during the winter.
Spring driving brings its own hazard such as slick wet roads. It is important to make sure your tires, brakes and windshield wiper are ready for the rain.
In October, your car should be prepared for the coming cold weather. Your car’s tires are especially important on icy or snow covered roads. You’ll want to make sure your heater is working properly to protect you from severe weather. Its a great time to do a once over to ensure all aspects of your car are working properly.